Monday, April 08, 2013

Could it be this is this why the people said it is unwise to allow homosexuals to adopt?

Gay Connecticut couple accused of raping adopted children will face trial


George Harasz, 49, and Douglas Wirth, 45, of Glastonbury, withdrew a deal with prosecutors that would have given them suspended prison sentences and probation, according to reports. The surprise move comes as new allegations by three more adopted children surfaced Friday.
The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial. 
Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors. The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious charges related to sexual assault. 
But in a surprise turn, the couple’s attorneys pulled them out of the plea in a bid to fully clear their names, according to CBS affiliate WFSB-TV. 
If Harasz, 49, and Wirth, 45, had continued with the deal, they would have been given suspended prison sentences and probation, WFSB-TV said. 
But more allegations came to light Friday in the explosive case, and prosecutors said they also want to go to trial. 
“I think the only proper resolution of this matter is to try it,” said prosecutor David Zagaja, according to the Hartford Courant.
What's next?  Allowing homosexual Boy Scout Leaders to attend Camp retreats?  Oh, wait...

On My Honor Eagle Scout Coalition Says 'Discreet' Gay Boy Scout Participants Are Already Allowed

HuffPo Posted: 
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) aren't slated to make a decision regarding their controversial policy on gay participants until May, but that hasn't stopped a new group from coming forward with an unusual interpretation of the guidelines.
As Fox News is reporting, a coalition of Eagle Scouts, Scoutmasters and parents have come together as a new organization called Members of the group say they believe that the BSA's existing policy should not be amended because "discreet" gay participants are already permitted, according to the report.
Calling the BSA "one of the great jewels of American culture," OnMyHonor founder John Stemberger said, "What they want is full-blown gay activism in scouting, and that’s what they can’t have under the current policy.”
Of the BSA's existing gay members, Stemberger added, "They are discreet, they are appropriate, they are private and they don’t act out in front of kids.” He then urged BSA leaders to listen to parents "rather than Madonna and Bill Gates."
Similar sentiments appear on the group's website. "Current BSA policy is time-tested and fair, allowing anyone to participate regardless of sexual orientation," one section states. Members also warn that any change to the BSA policy would lead to "open, public and inappropriate expressions of physical affection between homosexual boy scouts and adult gay scout leaders," and "a surge of boy-on-boy sexual conduct that will result in further public scandal in addition to the tragedy of physical, sexual and emotional abuse to countless boys," among other consequences.
Last month, the BSA reportedly distributed a questionnaire asking for its members' stance on homosexuality, with situational questions on gay men camping with children and gays in church leadership. The survey was distributed to 1.1. million adult Scouts, according to the Associated Press.
News that the BSA was re-considering its ban on gay participants has divided Scouts and pundits. Speaking on "The 700 Club," Pat Robertson asked whether dropping the ban would open the door to "predators" and pedophiles."
A former Boy Scout himself, Gates said he felt the policy "absolutely" needed to be scrapped "because it's 2013."
The BSA's anti-gay policy has been the subject of frequent debate following the case of Jennifer Tyrrell, who was forced to resign as leader of her 7-year-old son's Tiger Scout den after revealing she is a lesbian.
The Boy Scouts are not under have any legal obligation to change their policy, however. In 2000 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the organization is exempt from state anti-gay discrimination laws.

Obama "bigger" than the job...

I was reading some headlines over the weekend and realized a bit of a pattern.  See if you can connect the dots:

Workforce Dropout Number Is Worrisome for Labor Market

Friday's disappointing employment report underscores just how tough it still is to find a job. But perhaps even more worrisome is how few people are even trying. 
The share of the population that's either working or looking for work, a metric known as the participation rate, fell to 63.3% in March, its lowest level since 1979. Nearly half a million Americans dropped out of the labor force in March, the biggest one-month decline since December 2009.

The Hill By Alexander Bolton 04/08/13
The next 10 weeks are a make-or-break period for President Obama’s second-term agenda.
He needs quick victories in the Senate on gun control and immigration if he is to build momentum for a fight in the Republican-controlled House — the chief obstacle to his agenda.

President Obama Plays Golf for Second Weekend in a Row

Apr 6, 2013 1:39pm
WASHINGTON — President Obama went out for a round of golf Saturday afternoon, his second weekend in a row to hit the links at a course at Joint Base Andrews.
The president golfed with White House aides Marvin Nicholson, Joe Paulsen, and Michael Brush. 
Last Saturday, the president played golf at the same course with Nicholson, Brush, and friend and Chicago businessman Marty Nesbitt.  The  outing marked his first time on the golf course since the sequester cuts went into place on March 1. The president also took in the Syracuse-Marquette NCAA tournament basketball game at the Verizon Center, where he spent time talking with Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III last weekend.

Have you figured it out yet?  That's right.  He doesn't care!  He gets to play golf, attend fund raisers and now he can rattle around "The People's House" in his underwear if he wants, since he has stopped White House Tours due to the sequester....

The man is EXACTLY who our founders warned us about.  

Saturday, April 06, 2013

And the "Wealth Tax" begins....

There it is, right there in the second paragraph of this story.

It is this kind of ignorant journalism that allows the government to continue to chip away at our freedom and liberty. Can you spot it?

Obama budget to take aim at wealthy IRAs

By Bernie Becker 04/05/13 11:45 AM ET
The Hill

President Obama’s budget, to be released next week, will limit how much wealthy individuals – like Mitt Romney – can keep in IRAs and other retirement accounts. 
The proposal would save around $9 billion over a decade, a senior administration official said, while also bringing more fairness to the tax code.
The senior administration official said that wealthy taxpayers can currently “accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.
Under the plan, a taxpayer’s tax-preferred retirement account, like an IRA, could not finance more than $205,000 per year of retirement – or right around $3 million this year.
Romney, Obama’s 2012 opponent, had an IRA several to many times that amount, leading to questions about how the former Massachusetts governor was able to squirrel away so much money in that sort of retirement account.

In fact, the entire premise of the article is exactly 180 degrees from reality.  Look again at the second paragraph:

The proposal would save around $9 billion over a decade, a senior administration official said, while also bringing more fairness to the tax code..  

No.  Not save.  TAX!  Tax an additional $9,000,000,000.00!   And then they have the gall to mention fairness in the same sentence.  Let's talk fair:

  • 39% of ALL taxes are paid by the top 1% of all earners.
  • 86% of ALL taxes are paid by the top 25% of all earners
  • 97% of ALL taxes are paid by the top 50% of all earners.
Think about that last one.  Only 3% of ALL taxes are paid by the bottom 50% of all earner....  This is "fair"?

But, wait.  It gets better: 
The senior administration official said that wealthy taxpayers can currently “accumulate many millions of dollars in these accounts, substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.  

Really? So now "The senior administration official gets to decide that you or I may have "..substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.” Please show me in the U.S. Constitution where is says a government official has the right to decide what is reasonable and what is too much for me to save for my self?

You think this is only for the Mitt Romney type?  Remember this.  The original income tax only was 1%  up to $20,000 in 1913.  What are the rates now?


Wednesday, April 03, 2013

The new term: Undocumented Democrats

Associated Press Drops 'Illegal Immigrant' From Stylebook

The Associated Press, the largest news-gathering outlet in the world, will no longer use the term "illegal immigrant."
The news came in the form of a blog entry authored by Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll on Tuesday afternoon, explaining that the decision is part of the company's on-going attempt to rid their Stylebook of labels.
"The Stylebook no longer sanctions the term 'illegal immigrant' or the use of 'illegal' to describe a person. Instead, it tells users that 'illegal' should describe only an action, such as living in or immigrating to a country illegally," Carroll wrote.

On immigration:

I don't know what is so darn difficult.  The solution is simple:

1) Lock down the southern & northern boarder through fences & technology (sensors, cameras, drones) - deploy the National Guard if necessary.
2) Get all the illegals who are here registered so they start paying taxes.  But:
     a) They must be employed,
     b) They must not be criminals (other than the whole illegal thing),
     c) They are exempt from all govt benefits,
     d) They cannot register to vote for 25 years,
     e) Their kids are not automatically citizens just because they are born here,
     f) if they want to apply for US Citizenship they must get in the back of the line and ASSIMILATE
        (i.e., learn English)
3) Expand the process of coming here to work to make it faster & easier for companies to sponsor workers.
4) Place a tax on money flowing out of the US back to their home countries by these now documented workers (see how long Mexico takes to react to that).

Problem solved.

Probably one the biggest problems with immigrants of all nations is that they no longer need to assimilate.  Having hosted Korean students, I've discovered a large Korean population in Atlanta.  They have their own neighborhoods, businesses, churches, etc...  Go to Atlanta Hwy in Gainesville, GA and you'd think you were in Mexico - not a single sign in English.  Downtown West Liberty, IA had 2 languages on the store signs, 1 Asian (probably Hmong) and the other Spanish and that was 10 years ago!

I've worked nearly exclusively in the protein industry for 14 years.  EVERY plant has immigrant workers.  The mix is changing.  Most Hispanics are now from Guatemala instead of Mexico and in some parts of the country more workers are West African Refugees.  One plant has 12 different languages spoken on second shift.  A plant in IA cannot get locals to work there and they start at $13+ an hour!  People show up, work until lunch and decide its "too hard".

We're in a world of hurt.  We should eliminate the minimum wage.  This would allow a lot more teens/no skill workers to find employment and build a skill set that includes setting an alarm clock and getting out of bed to go to work.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Should have known better....

The Questions No One Is Asking About the Kermit Gosnell Case

The title lead me to believe the HuffPo was actually going to one right for a change and lampoon this abortionist, Kermit Gosnell.  I should have known better....
"...the Gosnell trial raises several inescapable questions: How could this happen? In particular, how, in a state that has led the nation in imposing restrictions on abortion, could such atrocities go undetected? Just as puzzling is why the numerous complaints against him were ignored."
Can you tell where it's all headed? You guessed it....
"Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, when abortion policy was established, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's primary goal was to overturn Roe v. Wade and, barring that, impose as many barriers as possible to limit access to abortion. By and large, our policymakers have never viewed abortion as a medical procedure - instead placing it under the Pennsylvania Crimes Code -- and therefore have not nurtured a system of abortion care that is woman-focused, readily accessible, and responsive to their medical needs. The Commonwealth's focus has been on denying access, not protecting the health and safety of women who need this medical care. "
They are trying to plan blame us pro-choice-we-choose-life crowd.  They go on...
"So why did women go to his clinic? Why not choose a legitimate, reputable provider of abortion care? During a Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee hearing on proposed abortion regulation bills, Tyhisha Hudson, a woman who had obtained an abortion at Gosnell's clinic, was asked why she went to him. She testified that women in her neighborhood knew that Gosnell was the man you saw for the cheapest abortion.
Another Gosnell patient, Davida Johnson, noted in an Associated Press article that she intended to go to Planned Parenthood for an abortion procedure, but was scared away by anti-abortion protesters picketing outside the clinic. An acquaintance suggested she go to Gosnell, where protesters (ironically) were not an issue." 
That's right, it the protester at the "reputable" Planned Parenthood.  It's the protesters fault!  Do you get that?  These women where driven to this mad-man because of some protesters.  No really, they double down in the very next paragraph:
"Evidence suggests that a number of factors influenced a woman's decision to seek care at Gosnell's clinic: Medicaid's refusal to provide insurance coverage for most abortions; the scarcity of abortion providers in Pennsylvania (and across the nation); the fear of violence perpetrated by protestors at clinics, and the right-wing culture that has so stigmatized abortion that many think it is still illegal 40 years after Roe v. Wade."
They continue:
"It is critically important that the women of Pennsylvania know that abortion is legal and is a safe medical procedure. As set forth in the Gosnell Grand Jury Indictment, legitimate providers, like Planned Parenthood and members of the National Abortion Federation, follow the law and standard medical procedures. "

Is there such a thing as a "safe abortion"....?  I guess that depends on your POV. 

This article is disgusting.  I like how they blame the "pro-choice-we-choose-life" crowd for this man's inexplicable actions.  

He's a monster and he is pro-abortion!  You pro-abortionist's have to own it this animal's behavior - he IS one of you!

Let's face it, abortion is legal, thanks to an activist supreme court.  We are now only arguing about at what age it should be legal for the mother to murder her child.....

Don't get me started on the lack of coverage by the typical culprits: ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, HLN,etc...  Only CBS has come close to touching this story, as Brent Bozell explains