"If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy." --Thomas Jefferson
See Ronald Reagan... Rendezvous With Destiny the movie
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Thursday, May 01, 2008
Election '08 and Beyond...
What is it about this election that reminds me of the saying, "Lesser of two evils", or in this case three evils? Evil #1: "Barry" as he was known as a child, has come a long way from his Muslim school childhood. (Yes, he did attend a Muslim school from 1967-71 in Jakarta, Indonesia - look it up.) The Rev. Wright fiasco, has confirmed that he is now the newest addition to the champagne-socialist crowd (This is a level above the limousine-liberal and one more stop one the way to confirmed communist). In fact, the Rev. Wright revelations have confirmed that he hates America every bit as much as the Rockefeller’s, Kennedy's, Kerry-Heinz's, and right in there with Che Guevara. And B.H.O. didn't have to do a thing. It was truly a stroke of genius on his part. Evil #2: Ok, Mrs. Bill Clinton. Why do I keep thinking of the movie "Fatal Attraction"? She just will not go away! I love it! The Maha Rushie's "Operation Chaos" has been a success. He managed to keep her in the race long enough to reveal to the American people her true motive - POWER. She will not be denied what she feels is her right. After all she put up with being married to B.C., she feels it is owed to her. She has put in her dues, now it's her turn. Whatever... The "Lesser of 3 Evils": As a conservative, John McCain was not only not my first choice, he wasn't even my list. But, he is all we have so, to paraphrase John McCain’s mother, ‘I'll have to hold my nose and vote for him’. Hopefully he'll pick a conservative VP to whom he will actually listen. I'm not sure who that person is right now, though I believe it'll have to be a minority and/or a woman. While I would like Condi, she is not interested, and her negatives are almost as bad as Mrs. Bill Clinton's. Louisiana’s governor, Bobby Jindal is a good choice, but probably too new to the GOP scene. I’ve also heard good things about Alaska’s Governor, Sarah Palin, as well. Others for consideration would be, Herman Cain, former Lt. Governor Michael Steele, and even J.C. Watts. I doubt he will pick any of these people, but I assure you that if he picks a white male, he can kiss his chances of a win goodbye. Since McCain would only serve one term, he will basically be setting up the next V.P. for a run at the White House, so it is a very important choice this election cycle. So what about the future of our country? Well, for the next fours year anyhow, it looks pretty bleak. It took a Jimmy Carter to get a Ronald Reagan. Maybe it will again. Or maybe this is the beginning of the decline of the “Great shining city on the hill”. Like most of the more advanced societies in history, they do not get conquered from outside forces, they disintegrate from the inside. I hope that’s not the case, but I see signs of it all over the place. The ultraliberal NEA running education system, the environmental-wacko’s trumping common sense energy plans, and so many people seeking a nanny state all portend a bleak future. Recent polls have suggested that people believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction. I think I would have to agree. However, when the main stream media reports it, they report as if everyone believes that it’s too conservative and needs to be more liberal; have more government not less. I would argue that many of us believe it is headed in the wrong direction because it is too liberal; that we want less government, not more. I promise you that if liberals get control of the Congress, Senate and Presidency, this will likely start our tail spin into an abyss. Which leads to the question, “Will we be able to pull out of the tail spin, and if so, how?" I’ll leave you with this from the Declaration of Independence:
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” I believe that time is going to happen sooner, rather than later…
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