Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Unmasking the Relationships Between the Media and Democrats

So, the Main Stream Media (MSM) went nutso when they found out Michael Cohen, Trumps attorney, also had a relationship with Sean Hannity.  Hannity has publicly stated he was never a client of Michael Cohen's, that he never received an invoice or paid Cohen any money for his 'legal advice', which largely centered around real estate investments.

Let's do a little analysis.  There was one attorney in the room how asked specifically for Hannity's name to be released in relation to Cohen. 

"Before the name [Hannity]was revealed, [Cohen's attorney] Mr. Ryan argued that the mystery client was a “prominent person” who wanted to keep his identity a secret because he would be “embarrassed” to be identified as having sought Mr. Cohen’s counsel.
Robert D. Balin, a lawyer for various media outlets, including The New York Times, CNN and others, interrupted the hearing to argue that embarrassment was not a sufficient cause to withhold a client’s name, and Judge [Kimba] Wood agreed." - Link here.
So, let's get this straight. An attorney for NYT & CNN, but with no relation to the case, interrupted proceedings to argue for the release of Hannity's name?  (Oh, does the name Kimba Wood sound familiar?  She was once nominated for the Supreme Court by Bill Clinton, but had to recuse herself after it was revealed she employed an illegal house keeper/nanny.  Coincidentally, so did Bill's 1st nominee  Zoe Baird.)

So, Hannity's name caused a stir among the elite MSM.  So let's look at the MSM...

George Stephanopoulus:

George Stephanopoulus was worked on Michael Dukakis' 1988 campaign and was the "floor man" for Dick Gephart.  George was a leading member of Bill Clinton's advisory team in the 1992 campaign and became White house Communications Director and later senior policy advisor.  Link here

He went on to manage all of Bill's 'bimbo-eruptions' by destroying the lives of the accusers. Link here

Fun-fact:  George donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation to the tune of $75,000 and never disclosed this to ABC, for which he later apologizes.

But, we are to believe he is a fair and honest arbiter on all things politics.

Chuck Todd:

Chuck Todd is host of Meet the Press and is political director for NBC News.  Oh, Chuck's wife's company billed the Bernie Sanders campaign $1.3 million in the last presidential election. Link here

She also managed Democrat Senator Jim Webb's 2006 campaign.  Link here

Here's an article with more information about the sanctimonious Chuck Todd and his claims. 

Jake Tapper:

Jake Tapper was the spokesman for Handgun Control, a pro-gun control group in 1997, yet CNN did not disclose this when he moderated the CNN town hall following the Parkland, Florida shootings. 

Does that seem to be in direct conflict with the topic?

         "In 1992, Tapper served as a Campaign Press Secretary for Democratic congressional candidate
          Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky (PA-13), and later served as her congressional press     
          secretary." Link here.

Fun-fact: Marjorie Margolies-Mezinsky is the mother-in-law of Chelsa Clinton. 

David Rhodes:

David Rhodes is the President of CBS News.  His brother, Ben Rhodes, was the foreign policy speech writer for Barack Hussein Obama and later Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications in the Obama regime.  Seems like a pretty big deal.  

Fun-fact: Ben Rhodes is married to Ann Norris, who was chief foreign policy adviser to former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA). 

I'm sure David Rhodes played it right down the middle on Obama coverage and will do the same for Trump.
Jane Pauley:

Jane Pauley works for CBS News Sunday Morning. She also campaigned for Barack Hussein Obama. Link here

Jeffrey Tobin:

Jeffrey Toobin works for The New Yorker and is a CNN analyst. He was an associate counsel on the Iran-Contra investigation, is a close friend of liberal Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. 

Fun-fact: He also fathered a child in an extra-marital affair with Casey Greenfield, daughter of Jeff Greenfield.

Matthew Miller:

Matthew Miller is a journalist and appears on CNN & MSNBC.  He works with the Center for American Progress founded by Clintonite John Podesta. He was spokesman for Attorney General Eric Holder, communications director for Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ).  He also worked on John Kerry's presidential campaign.


Ari Melber:

Ari Melber is a reporter for NBC and MSNBC.  

             "He previously served as a legislative aide to Sen. Maria Cantwell, and as a national staff
              member of the 2004 John Kerry Presidential Campaign." - Link here

Still, no disclosure. 

John Harwood:

John Harwood is a Washington contributor to CNBC. From emails leaked by Wikileaks in 2016:

             "CNBC Correspondent John Harwood emailed [John] Podesta numerous times, on some      
               occasions to request an interview and other times to offer advice.  On May 8, 2015      
               Harwood wrote and email with the subject line " Watch out".

               "Ben Carson could give you real trouble in a general [election]," harwood wrote before 
                 linking to video clips of an interview Harwood did with the former pediatric 
                 neurosurgeon." - Link here

Fun-fact: John Harwood stared in a 1968 Robert Kennedy for President ad.

Ron Brownstein:

Ron Brownstein was a staff writer for Ralph Nader as late as 2012.  

Fun-fact:  He was married to Nina Easton (Fortune Magazine) and is now married a former communications director for John McCain.

Mark Leibovich

Mark Leibovich is a NYT Reporter:

               "In a July 2015 email, New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich emailed communications 
                director Jennifer Palmieri several chunks of an interview he did with Hillary Clinton, and 
                seemingly asked permission for the “option to use the following” portions. Palmieri 
                suggested he cut a reference Clinton made to Sarah Palin and remove Clinton’s quote, 
               “And gay rights has moved much faster than women’s rights or civil rights, which is an 
                interesting phenomenon.”

                Palmieri ended one email: “Pleasure doing business!” Link here
Maggie Haberman
Maggie Haberman is a Politico reporter:

               "In a January 2015 memo, former Politico reporter Maggie Haberman, who now works for                   The New York Times, was described as having “a very good relationship” with the

                 “We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed,” the       

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